BOOL CreateWorkers(HANDLE hCompletionPort){ DWORD dwThread; HANDLE hThread; DWORD i; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); for (i = 0; i < 2 * SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; i++) { hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, WorkerThread, hCompletionPort, 0, &dwThread); if (!hThread) { MyErrExit("CreateThread WorkerThread"); // Unreachable: return FALSE; } CloseHandle(hThread); } return TRUE;}
VOID SyelogExV(BOOL fTerminate, BYTE nSeverity, PCSTR pszMsgf, va_list args){ SYELOG_MESSAGE Message; DWORD cbWritten = 0; Real_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&Message.ftOccurance); Message.fTerminate = fTerminate; Message.nFacility = s_nFacility; Message.nSeverity = nSeverity; Message.nProcessId = s_nProcessId; PCHAR pszBuf = Message.szMessage; PCHAR pszEnd = Message.szMessage + ARRAYSIZE(Message.szMessage) - 1; if (s_szIdent[0]) { pszBuf = do_str(pszBuf, pszEnd, s_szIdent); } *pszEnd = '\0'; VSafePrintf(pszMsgf, args, pszBuf, (int)(Message.szMessage + sizeof(Message.szMessage) - 1 - pszBuf)); pszEnd = Message.szMessage; for (; *pszEnd; pszEnd++) { // no internal contents. } // Insure that the message always ends with a '\n' // if (pszEnd > Message.szMessage) { if (pszEnd[-1] != '\n') { *pszEnd++ = '\n'; *pszEnd++ = '\0'; } else { *pszEnd++ = '\0'; } } else { *pszEnd++ = '\n'; *pszEnd++ = '\0'; } Message.nBytes = (USHORT)(pszEnd - ((PCSTR)&Message)); Real_EnterCriticalSection(&s_csPipe); if (syelogIsOpen(&Message.ftOccurance)) { if (!Real_WriteFile(s_hPipe, &Message, Message.nBytes, &cbWritten, NULL)) { s_nPipeError = GetLastError(); if (s_nPipeError == ERROR_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL) { // Don't close the file just for a temporary impersonation level. } else { if (s_hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Real_CloseHandle(s_hPipe); s_hPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (syelogIsOpen(&Message.ftOccurance)) { Real_WriteFile(s_hPipe, &Message, Message.nBytes, &cbWritten, NULL); } } } } Real_LeaveCriticalSection(&s_csPipe);}
DWORD WINAPI WorkerThread(LPVOID pvVoid){ PCLIENT pClient; BOOL b; LPOVERLAPPED lpo; DWORD nBytes; HANDLE hCompletionPort = (HANDLE)pvVoid; for (BOOL fKeepLooping = TRUE; fKeepLooping;) { pClient = NULL; lpo = NULL; nBytes = 0; b = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort, &nBytes, (PULONG_PTR)&pClient, &lpo, INFINITE); if (!b || lpo == NULL) { fKeepLooping = FALSE; MyErrExit("GetQueuedCompletionState"); break; } else if (!b) { if (pClient) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { LogMessageV(SYELOG_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "Client closed pipe."); } else { LogMessageV(SYELOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, "GetQueuedCompletionStatus failed %d [%p]", GetLastError(), pClient); } CloseConnection(pClient); } continue; } if (pClient->fAwaitingAccept) { InterlockedIncrement(&s_nActiveClients); pClient->fAwaitingAccept = FALSE; b = ReadFile(pClient->hPipe, &pClient->Message, sizeof(pClient->Message), &nBytes, pClient); if (!b) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { LogMessageV(SYELOG_SEVERITY_ERROR, "ReadFile failed %d.", GetLastError()); continue; } } CreatePipeConnection(hCompletionPort); } else { if (nBytes < offsetof(SYELOG_MESSAGE, szMessage)) { CloseConnection(pClient); } if (pClient->Message.fTerminate) { LogMessageV(SYELOG_SEVERITY_NOTICE, "Client requested terminate on next connection close."); s_fExitAfterOne = TRUE; } LogMessage(&pClient->Message, nBytes); b = ReadFile(pClient->hPipe, &pClient->Message, sizeof(pClient->Message), &nBytes, pClient); if (!b && GetLastError() == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) { CloseConnection(pClient); } } } return 0;}